We all learned at school that our great-grandmothers grew hemp as a grateful plant that year after year gave them clothes. Perhaps all Slovak people remember singing folk song about hemp during a lesson of Music. At that time it was either our favourite or most hated overrated hit from the middle ages. We haven’t given hemp any importance during our youth and many of us still don’t give it any recognition. Believe me, after you get know hemp oil and its beneficial effects it will change your mind. If you happen to know hemp oil by any chance, don’t leave! You’ll certainly find out something you didn’t know about it before.
So how is it going to help us?
Hemp oil can reduce the risk of heart diseases.
A 2007 study showed that hemp oil was able to prevent blood clotting. Researchers have noted that this can be useful in the prevention of blood clots, stroke and apoplexy.
Recent analysis of the American Chemical Society found out that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in hemp oil have beneficial physiological effects that prevent coronary heart disease.
It can help to balance hormone levels, reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause.
In the 1980s, researchers found that hormonal compounds known as prostaglandins play an important role in helping the body to function properly. Hemp oil is GLA rich (gamma linolenic acid) which is considered to be a necessary building block of some prostaglandins. Researchers concluded that GLA supplementation is important for optimal hormonal health. In a study of women with PMS, taking one gram of essential fatty acids (including 210 mg GLA) per day led to a significant reduction in symptoms. GLA has the ability to reduce irritability and depression, breast pain and fluid retention associated with PMS.
Because hemp oil has a high proportion of GLA, it is suitable for use to suppress the symptoms of menopause.
Indeed, hemp oil offers more than we think. You gotta give it a chance!
image from: Background photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com