Bio Organic rosehip oil is used, above all, on the skin of the whole body. It provides perfect hydration, regeneration and also alleviates skin diseases. Rosehip oil has won the favour of many people thanks to its beneficial effects.
The production process of rosehip oil involves cold pressing. Organic rosehip oil is produced from the seeds of the wild rosehip, which grows mainly in Chile. Today, however, it can also be found in other parts of the world, which means that rosehip oil can be produced virtually anywhere. This unique Organic oil has healing properties and its composition contains vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which multiply the effects of this product.
A great choice for the skin
Rosehip oil is ideal for use on all skin types. It provides nutrients to the skin, making it moisturised and firmer. This leaves the skin fresh, soft and healthy looking. Rosehip oil also helps in the treatment of skin eczema or acne. In these cases, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thus significantly reducing the risk of further development of these skin problems. Bio Organic rosehip oil does not clog the pores, which prevents imperfections such as blackheads or pimples from forming on the skin. This unique product moisturizes the skin and prevents it from drying out.
No more stretch marks thanks to oil
Stretch marks are a common problem, especially for women who have given birth or are overweight. This condition arises when there is a lack of collagen, which, however, rosehip oil supplies to the body. In its composition there are the aforementioned polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contain this substance. Thanks to this, Bio Rosehip Oil prevents the appearance of stretch marks and at the same time softens and regenerates the skin. Among other things, rosehip oil has a light consistency and is instantly absorbed into the skin, leaving no greasy film on the surface.
Do not hesitate to try Bio Organic rosehip oil yourself. You will definitely not regret your choice!